Ten in a Bed
今日、ご紹介する歌は、ベッドに10人寝ているのですが、あまりにも狭いので、小さい子が、みんなに寝返り(Roll Over)してといいます。すると、ひとりずつベッドから落ちてしまい、9、8、7とベッドに寝ている人の数がどんどん減っていきます。そして、最後には、小さい子が1人残り「Good Night」と挨拶をして眠るという歌です。
眠る時間に最適な歌かと思っていたのですが、どうしても「Roll Over」でベッドの上で転がりまわってしまうので、興奮してしまい、我が家では眠りを誘うにはとうてい向いていない歌となっています。
There were ten in the bed and the little one said,
‘Roll over, roll over!’
So they all rolled over and one fell out
There were nine in the bed and the little one said,
‘Roll over, roll over!’
So they all rolled over and one fell out
There were eight in the bed and the little one said,
‘Roll over, roll over!’
So they all rolled over and one fell out
There were seven in the bed and the little one said,
‘Roll over, roll over!’
So they all rolled over and one fell out
There were six in the bed and the little one said,
‘Roll over, roll over!’
So they all rolled over and one fell out
There were five in the bed and the little one said,
‘Roll over, roll over!’
So they all rolled over and one fell out
There were four in the bed and the little one said,
‘Roll over, roll over!’
So they all rolled over and one fell out
There were three in the bed and the little one said,
‘Roll over, roll over!’
So they all rolled over and one fell out
There were two in the bed and the little one said,
‘Roll over, roll over!’
So they all rolled over and one fell out
There was one in the bed and the little one said,
‘Good night!’
トップの写真は、「Ten in the Bed」(Jane Cabrera 作)という歌と同じ題名の歌絵本です。歌詞はだいぶ替えてある(最後のあたりはかなり歌いずらいかもしれません)のですが、ベッドに寝ている動物がお姫様、お医者さんや、海賊だったりと子供が喜びそうな絵本です。2歳の娘にも何度も読んでほしいと頼まれます。そのたび、絵を見て、これは何?これは何してる?と色々と聞かれます。